
August 28, 2009

Well, I’m a few days behind re-capping shows, but my buddy Rich Orris just posted some beautiful pictures of a tiny mtns show in, “Low, lower, Lowest Lowell,” as one of the spray painted, stenciled signs read at The Ant Cellar where Jake, Samantha and I played on Tuesday.  It’s sure to be the most punk rock show we’ll play this year.  It was wonderful.


"Support Local Music Kill a Pop Star"

Thanks to Tom Sutherton of the soon to be dead hardcore band Short Fuse Burning for booking me for more DIY shows than I can recount in Lowell.  They are always surprisingly warm and inviting with a solid core of friendly folks who love music.

tiny_mtns_ant_cellar_audienceWe played well at this show too.  Sitting in a semi-circle in a basement that was hotter than the outside it was easy to carefully connect with each other.  It’s wonderful to play music without the middle-man of a PA system.  The audience and the art seem seemless y’know?

Jake yells into his bajo during Pretzel Teeth.

Jake yells into his bajo during Pretzel Teeth.

I love the clarinet. I'm glad to have Samantha playing!

I love the clarinet. I'm glad to have Samantha playing!

I love this photo.

I heart this photo.

I’ll post some pics soon of our show last night in Charlottesville, VA at Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar. 1 part venue + 1 part awesome tea/tree? house that looks like an opium den = cool place and chill vibes.  Tonight we play a house show in Lynchburg, VA set up by our friends in Duck Duck Collective.  It promises to be magical!

Check out Rich’s Flickr stream: http://flickr.com/rorris.
If you’re in New England pay him money to take pics of yr band!
If yr not in New England, pay him lots of money to take pics of yr band!